4 Agent Marketing Updates to Remember when you Switch Brokers
If you already have your own site, go through it with a fine toothed comb to ensure you don't miss a page. You will have to update:
What Past Stats Can Tell Us About 2019 Marketing Trends
Don't wait for the competition to lead the way with these digital marketing opportunities for 2019. Reviewing marketing statistics from...
How "Optimized" is your Website?
It's important to keep up to date with the latest in SEO trends. Here are a few things you want to look for to make sure you keep your s
The Impact Digital Disruption is having on Real Estate
A recent study published by J.D. Power clearly shows that real estate agencies and agents alike are definitely threatened by digital disrupt
How to keep your online/digital brand fresh
Taking a quick inventory of your social media, web and email marketing efforts helps keep your brand fresh.
Marketing tips for the "down" season
The real estate business tends to see a down season during the fall and winter months. However, this doesn't mean agents should neglect...
Adding a blog to your website builds trust
Adding a blog to your website assists with SEO efforts while establishing your expertise.
How to build a website designed to impress
Responsive websites for real estate agents make it easy to navigate from an easily accessed menu and view information easily with the swipe