4 Agent Marketing Updates to Remember when you Switch Brokers
If you already have your own site, go through it with a fine toothed comb to ensure you don't miss a page. You will have to update:

Start Your Thanksgiving Marketing Now
Food Drives, Volunteer, Hold a contest or draw

How to use Experiential Marketing to Inspire your Keep in Touch Plan
That face to face time does wonders to keep you top of mind, but if you can't lead an event, you can always use experiential marketing i

5 Things to Focus on as Listing Season Winds Down
Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new contacts and add interest to your social media posts. As listing season winds down here are...

How to keep your online/digital brand fresh
Taking a quick inventory of your social media, web and email marketing efforts helps keep your brand fresh.

How to use community to build your brand
When selling real estate, familiarity with your community can prove to be your strongest asset.

Marketing tips for the "down" season
The real estate business tends to see a down season during the fall and winter months. However, this doesn't mean agents should neglect...

Top Tips for choosing your Brand Colors
Green is nurturing and relaxing, while red is stimulating and encourages action

What your listing presentations might NOT be telling people
The best way to demonstrate you are prepared to invest in selling their home is to not only outline the plan you will use, but to also show

How to Avoid Losing Clients Due to Attrition
Send auto messages via email, drip campaigns or a newsletter service, or just mark it in your calendar and make sure you do it.