Why automated marketing services are the way to go for brokers

Broker provided marketing services help pave the way for agent and agency success.
You hear it happening day after day -- yet another boutique agency or major player has developed their own customized marketing services for their agents. Automated real estate marketing services allow agents to easily and affordably create their own branded listing campaigns and are also becoming a draw for agencies trying to recruit more agents. With most large players introducing their own version of automated marketing materials for their agents, it makes good business sense that smaller boutique agencies do the same to remain competitive.
The growing complexity of being an agent
Agents are facing a growing complexity in their roles. It is expected that they embrace technology in all aspects of their job, including their marketing efforts. However, agents are left in the cold and often have to learn the technology on their own.
Technology continues to "make things easier" but for many agents technology can make things worse. They have to sift through the multitudes of services offering them an "easy" option to get their listings out there, and then are faced with the challenge of learning how to use the technology to access those services. That can mean more wasted time and frustration during the marketing process.
When brokerages assist their agents by providing in-house real estate marketing solutions, they are able to save them time and aggravation with a fully supported system. This allows them to focus on selling which is best for clients, agents and the broker.
Relationship building
Having an in-house automated marketing service means everything is handled from start to finish the moment the listing hits the market. This allows agents to sell faster, impress clients and lessen the stress of trying to handle everything on their own. They are providing exactly what they promise clients when it comes to marketing their homes which not only streamlines the marketing process but also improves follow through.
With so many people questioning the value of hiring an agent, being able to showcase powerful marketing tools during a pitch for new listings helps demonstrate the important role an agent plays in the selling process. During the whole client/agent relationship agents are the face of the brokerage and must be able to provide the tools required to make clients happy. Professionally prepared and branded marketing empowers agents to deliver a superior experience for their clients resulting in more referrals and repeat business which in turn leads to increased revenues.
Brand consistency
It has also become important to build brand recognition. Often in boutique agencies each agent is doing their own thing when it comes to marketing their listings. This eats away at brand integrity with several different single property websites, eflyer services and print material designs out there.
When using an automated in-house marketing service brokers can ensure all agents are using the same branded and approved designs for their marketing materials. This builds brand awareness and in turn brand recognition allowing brokers to build their business while attracting more agents. At the same time, automated marketing still allows the agent to raise their own brand awareness with customized contact information, head shots and more while remaining true to the agency brand.
Marketing best practices
Many agents do not want to invest the time and money in marketing which reflects poorly on the agency. By offering them the chance to participate in marketing best practices it broadens their horizons and allows them to ensure consistency in what they are offering their own clients. The process becomes second nature and allows each agent to automatically create a campaign from photography to eflyers and print materials professionally, consistently and effectively.
Setting marketing best practices based on the specific needs of an agency allows each marketing campaign to reflect the agency, what it stands for and the image it is trying to build. Listing campaigns can be built using packages specific to the agency essentially providing an in-house one stop marketing shop.
Realtour offers customized automated marketing solutions for agencies in hand with profit sharing opportunities. Learn more.