How to work smarter to market your listings
As a real estate agent, it is easy to spread yourself thin when marketing your listings. From wasting time using multiple marketing services, to investing money unnecessarily in marketing materials, here is an easy way to work smarter while saving time and money.

Your real estate marketing can all be handled online with one easy account.
Look at what you need
We have mentioned how efficient it is to have a consistent marketing plan for each of your listings. By having a process you follow, you will be able to do it quickly and concentrate on more important things like making your clients happy. Your marketing check list should include:
Professional photographs
Single Property Website with Virtual tour
Print flyers or brochures
Just sold postcards
Lessen the steps
Being able to handle all five items on your check list with one service is the first step to making your life easier. Realtour allows you to do just that. You can follow these easy steps to have your marketing plan in place:
Place your photography order and your photos will be uploaded into your account and your single property website with virtual tour will be automatically created and ready to post to MLS, Facebook, and YouTube.
Your listing details will be entered and ready for you to create your eflyer.
Once your eflyer is created and sent your Realtour account automatically generates a PDF of your eflyer that you can download to print from home or your office, or email to your printer from your account.
If you prefer, you can also choose to create four-page brochures, double sided flyers or just sold postcards to complete your marketing materials.
Save money
Your Realtour photography order is the first step to saving you money. You will receive affordable professional images that showcase your listings beautifully, while providing you with the following free marketing materials:
Platinum single property website with virtual tour that is compatible with photos, video, Matterport 3D, panos and Realtour’s exclusive pano walk thrus a $29.99 value
Endless use of print material templates for each listing including flyers, brochures and postcards a value of $9.99 each.
Endless use of your choice of ready to print newsletters a value of $9.99 each.
If you look at what you would usually require for each listing you would be saving an average of almost $50 per listing for your virtual tour, print flyers/brochures and post cards.
If you are dead set on using your own photographer, you can still benefit from using Realtour’s eflyer service. Each eflyer provides you with:
Bronze virtual tour a $9.99 value
Endless use of print material templates for each listing including flyers, brochures and postcards a value of $9.99 each.
Endless use of your choice of ready to print newsletters a value of $9.99 each.
In this case you would be saving an average of almost $30 per listing for your virtual tour, print flyers/brochures and post cards.
This approach to marketing will make your life easier while being easy on the wallet. It just takes a few minutes to fill in your listing details in one place, and handle all of your needs at once!