How to Easily save Time & Money with One-stop Marketing

Multiple-Stop Marketing
Does setting up your marketing plan for a listing go something like this?
You play phone tag with your photographer to set up a shoot and arrange to pay them, or worse you rush through your day trying to get to the new property to get some pictures on your cell phone before the sun sets.
You wait for the images to be ready so you can upload them to MLS,, your virtual tour provider, your assistant, your eflyer account, etc.
Your images are uploaded using something like drop box and you have to again find time to download them to your computer so you can then upload them to all or some of the above accounts or you fumble with your phone trying to email them to yourself or to upload them to your computer.
Once you have all of your images you then go from account to account to upload them for tours, print materials, eflyers, MLS, etc.
You log onto your virtual tour account type in all the listing details, add music, captions, etc. and pay again.
You then go through yet another process to post it to all of the main real estate sites.
You go to the next account for eflyers, upload the images, arrange the shots, retype the listing details, etc.
You then upload your own list of agents or pay an arm and a leg for the privilege to use an outdated mailing list provided by your elfyer service and then pay again or you are paying a large sum to use a monthly eflyer service.
You then try to make a print brochure or flyer by typing all the listing details yet again, try to get the photos to look right and then get the file to the printer or print it off from the office in time for the open house. You might even pay yet again to use a graphic designer to make it for you.
Several days, or even weeks later, you have something to show your clients, but have little proof or numbers to track your efforts.
One-Stop Marketing
If even a few of the above steps sound familiar, you are working far too hard and paying far too much for your marketing efforts. One-stop marketing uses a single account to save you hours and hours of effort as well as tons of money. You enter your listing details once to create virtual tours, eflyers and print materials and enjoy this simple scenario:
You log onto your account, take a few minutes to fill out the Listing Details and then book and pay for your photo shoot.
Your photographer emails you when your images have been uploaded into your account, usually the same or next day. If you have your own shots, just enter your listing details and then upload them to your account.
Your virtual tour, eflyer and print materials are saved into the system complete with your copy, branding, head shots, and images ready to edit.
Your virtual tour is branded and you just select a check box and add your MLS # to upload your tour to and you will also receive a link via email to help you post your tour on YouTube.
Choose the templates you wish to use for your eflyer or print materials which will already have your listing details. Drag and drop the images into the template and use the mapblast tool to reach 1000’s of agents in any given area. A free PDF of your eflyer is then automatically generated ready to print.
You can send a proof to clients or choose to share real time statistics that track the results of your eflyer and virtual tour views. As an added bonus you save money as each eflyer includes a free property print flyer and bronze tour that is generated automatically. Each professional real estate photography shoot you schedule comes with a free Platinum tour and print flyer.
So now ask yourself, "Why am I wasting time and money on multiple stop marketing?" One-stop marketing takes less steps, less time and costs less money while providing your clients with quality marketing that sells properties. A free one on one tutorial makes sure you know how to use the system effectively to save you even more time and online chat support is there to help. Set up your free Realtour account or contact for more information on the Realtour one-stop marketing suite.