How to tie it All Together with Social Media
When you devise a marketing plan for your listings, consistency and reaching across all available marketing channels can help you prepare a better campaign. To reach today’s tech obsessed consumer, social media can help tie everything together for a nicely planned real estate marketing campaign.

Consistency Across all your Pages
If you are using more than one social media page for your real estate marketing efforts, make sure you are consistent across every channel. You want to get your message out and use effective branding so people recognize you and your listing.
Get Creative
Although you want to present each listing consistently across the board, it is good to get creative and avoid using identical copy on each social media page. It pays to use slightly different wording, while keeping the images and links consistent. And don’t just stick to information about your listings. Keep up to date on what’s happening in the housing market and your neighborhood and provide links to interesting videos, house hunting tips, mortgage news, etc. so people can see you are an authority.
Full Guns Blazing
Remember that all of your marketing efforts work together. If you have a virtual tour or tours, include a link everywhere. If you used an eflyer post the web link on Facebook and other social media sites to share with groups, clients and other realtors. Realtour eflyers provide a web link that is clickable at the bottom of each blast. You can cut and paste this link into your social media posts so people can view the flyer as well as the virtual tour for an easy way to learn more about the property.
According to a study by Google and The National Association of Realtors (NAR), YouTube is the top video research destination for house hunters. 51 percent of house hunters look for tours and videos on YouTube compared to just 33 percent on aggregator listing websites. As well brokerage sites were searched 10 percent less often than YouTube. Set up your own YouTube channel so you can post your tours with branding. Realtour virtual tours can be linked to your channel as well as ours for double exposure.
Post those Tours
The same Google/NAR study found that 77 percent of consumers who view a virtual tour on line will drive by the home to check it out in person. This shows how important it is to have a virtual tour for your listings. It is often the starting point for home buyers with 78 percent stating that they began their search with non-agent or broker sites prior to seeking an agent. You could stand to gain clients who will see your tours, be interested in your home and click your contact link or website to learn more about you. The good news is that 24 percent of home buyers will contact an agent the same day they start their search. The bad news is 40 percent see a 120 day lag between their initial research and actually contacting an agent.
Remain Engaged
If you are using social media it is important to remain engaged and ensure you are responding to any comments you might get on your posts. As well since so much of an agent’s business is dependent on referrals, being able to get plenty of Likes on your Facebook page will help you find new clients. The average number of friends on a Facebook account ranges from 350 to over 600 depending on age and the purpose of the page. If these large groups see the Likes from their friends, family and peers there is a lot of potential to generate some good leads.
Social media provides a unique way to interact with clients and fellow agents and even generate leads. Using it in hand with your other marketing efforts such as virtual tours and eflyers will help you prepare a well-rounded campaign that covers all of your bases. Realtour’s real estatemarketing suite makes it easy to create marketing campaigns and tie them into your social media efforts.