How to access or download your Realtour images
After your Realtour photo shoot is complete you can take the following steps to access and download your images:
Log onto your account and click the Virtual Tours icon on your dashboard

Click edit for the listing you wish to access

Go to the Manage Photos tab
To download your images, scroll down to the bottom of the photo box and click the Download arrow
Select the size you wish to download. Note that for MLS you require full size.

Your images will download onto your computer, usually appearing in your Downloads folder. Images will be downloaded in a zipped folder. You will have to extract your images in order to view or use them. These steps will vary depending on the type of computer you are using as well as the operating system you use. Here is an example of what you will see when the zipped folder is downloaded on a PC using Windows 10:

Zipped folder download icon appearing in lower area of your screen:

Screen when you click the folder:

Click Extract and then Extract All:

View Images
To view your images you can roll over the images within the Manage Photos box to enlarge them, or you can click on the Proof tab highlighted here and watch the tour the photographer has created.