Power in Numbers
Realtour Rewards allow you to earn cash from our revenue. Grow your Realtour network and earn 24% of what every agent in your network spends. That’s $24 for every $100. The more people in your network, the more you earn.
Sign Up A New Realtour Client
New Realtour clients can be real estate agents, title company sales reps, or photographers. They will become part of your Realtour Rewards network and you will share in the revenue they generate.
Looking for more detailed information? See our FAQ section below.
How do I create a Rewards network?
Log into your Realtour account and click on Realtour Rewards in the Marketing Products drop down menu. Next, click on the "Invite a New Client" button. Sign up a new client using their name and email address. An invitation will be sent to them with their new log in and password. Once they sign into their new Realtour account, they will be part of your network.
Who can I sign up to be in my network?
New clients can be real estate agents, title company sales reps or photographers. If the client already has a Realtour account, they are grandfathered into the Realtour system and can't be assigned to a network.
Can I sign up a photographer?
Yes. If you know of a photographer that shoots for Real Estate agents you can sign them up from the “Realtour Rewards Program” tab by clicking on the “Sign Up A New Client” button. Make sure you select “Photographer” to designate them as a photographer.
Can I sign up a photographer that I already use?
What are the benefits of signing up a photographer that I use?
You can order photo shoots using the Realtour Photo Shoot ordering system. When your photographer publishes your photos you get a platinum virtual tour for free, plus your photos will automatically be uploaded into your listing. You also can add to your network if your photographer adds their clients to their network.
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